We live in a time where these terms: “stress, burn-out, fatigued, sleep problems…” are everywhere. And because of the diversity of technological entertainment, people tend to spend more and more time inside and less in contact with greenspaces. These modern lifestyles can be overstimulating and can cause cognitive fatigue.
But spending time outside, especially in nature, has always represented a wealth of health benefits, both physical and mental. From reducing stress and anxiety, improving cognitive function to restoration effects.
Take a look at these pictures : What do you feel ?
It’s just an example to explore your feelings about green space. Obviously living in a city is not a problem and being in traffic jams or in the subway is part of it.
It’s more about taking breaks when you need it, when you feel overwhelmed and things are less tolerable than usual.
So why not put some green in your life ?
>> Greenspace is an umbrella term that includes nature reserves, wilderness environments and urban parks.
1- Health benefits of green spaces.
Several researches have highlighted the positive association between green space, mental health and wellbeing.
Spending time in Green spaces can improve :
- your mood by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety
- your confidence and self-esteem
- your physical health by being more active
But also, it can helps you :
- to meet new people and reduce loneliness
- to feel more connected to nature and to yourself
2- What can you do to bring nature in your life ?
Here some easy ideas that can really help you to start your healing journey with nature :
- Take a walk in a local park, at the beach or in the forest… while picking up trash to help protect the environment. Walking on a daily basis helps reduce symptoms of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
- Gardening : plant vegetables in your garden or terrace. It has a positive impact on the mood and helps to feel more peaceful.
- Fruit picking : some local farms let you self-pick the fruit like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and currants. It brings satisfaction and positivity. By the way, kids love it !
- Have a picnic in a local park, near a lake or even in your garden ! Being outside boosts the healing process, especially mental health.
- Sit spotting, a restorative mindfulness practice. Sit Spotting is a good way to reconnect yourself with nature if you can’t walk for a long period of time.
- Birdwatching, observing the birds in their natural environment has a calming and meditative effect.
- Forest Bathing, the Shinrin Yoku is the simple and therapeutic act of spending time in a forest.
- Bring some green into your house : So we saw that spending more time in green-space enhances cognitive function and reduces stress. Well the quality and proximity have also a role to play here as well. People living with a disability or health condition may not have the same access to natural spaces. And unfortunately green spaces remain inequitably distributed in some locations or can be very low in quality. So if you don’t have access to a garden or a nice green space, “Bring some green into your house” is an alternative, it’s not perfect but it’s to help you bring some green in your life.
So here some ideas to bring green into your life :
- have potted plants,
- grow herbs indoors or on a balcony,
- decorate your living space with green colours, natural material and nature pictures,
- arrange a comfortable space near a window to look at the sky and the birds while listening to natural sounds,
- watch virtual walks in a forest,
- read a book about nature with pictures, a lot of pictures !!!!
- look at some pictures, you can check out my gallery. I share beautiful photos !
3- What about the kids ? Is it important for children to spend time in nature ?
Nature is a great teacher, she provides interactive learning, encourages creativity, curiosity and imagination, while elevating children’s wellbeing.
- Physical benefits : the exposure to natural sunlight increases the amount of vitamin D and boosts their immune system, builds stronger muscles and bones, and exerts energy.
- Emotionally : A research shows that “Green outdoor settings appear to reduce ADHD symptoms in children across a wide range of individual, residential, and case characteristics”.
- Socially : learning social skills by interacting (collaboration) with their peers outside their house or classroom.s
The Italian educator Maria Montessori said :
>> “The child has a different relation to his environment from ours… the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that his eyes see and his ears hear.” (The Absorbent Mind, p. 56)
>> “But if for the physical life it is necessary to have the child exposed to the vivifying forces of nature, it is also necessary for his psychical life to place the soul of the child in contact with creation.” (The Discovery of the Child, p. 145)
- Golding SE, Gatersleben B, Cropley M. 2018. An Experimental Exploration of the Effects of Exposure to Images of Nature on Rumination. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 15(2)
- Barton, J., & Rogerson, M. (2017). The importance of greenspace for mental health. BJPsych International, 14(4), 79-81. doi:10.1192/S2056474000002051
- Frances E. KuoPhD, and , Andrea Faber TaylorPhD. (2004). A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From a National Study
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